Lab Alumnus: Dr. Gustaf Granath

The sub-title for this page is: He Runs Up Mountains for Fun!

2014-03-08 16.10.57I met Gustaf in 2004, when I was on sabbatical in Umeå at SLU, the Swedish Agricultural University. Gustaf was a student at SLU-Uppsala campus, but was interested in doing a research project with my host, Dr. John Ball, who was in the Animal Ecology Department, Forest Ecology Faculty, SLU (now the Department of Wildlife, Fish & Environmental Studies).

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs a result of my collaboration with John, Gustaf came to Toronto as a visiting international graduate student, to learn the lab. work side of studying fungal endophytes of Festuca. While at York, Gustaf met his future wife, Dr. Adriana Puentes (she has her own webpage from her time in the lab). Gustaf and Adriana now travel in a group, with their adorable and very funny children, Oliver and Isabella.

Gustaf did his Examensarbete (the Swedish equivalent of an MSc) on Fungal Endophyte Distribution along Elevational and Grazing gradients in Sweden. He then did a doctorate on peatland ecology at Uppsala University, Sweden. In 2013, he came to McMaster University to take up a prestigious Swedish Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

More information about Gustaf can be found at his google scholar page.